CGMF's 2015 Interactive Timeline

Please click on '2015 Interactive Timeline' to review a number of the foundation's newsworthy events and announcements that took place during 2015—from the hosting of influencial policymakers and release of important research studies to the support of cutting-edge discoveries and funding of... Read More >

CGMF's Top Blog Posts of 2015

What does ‘getting gas right,’ water infrastructure, improving the conservation narrative, and outlawing legal loopholes have in common? They are subjects addressed in the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation’s top blog posts of 2015—opinions penned by influencers from a... Read More >

Halcyon days for astronomy in the state of Texas

As their football teams clashed across the state this weekend, astronomers from 18 Texas institutions gathered inside a shiny new building on the Texas A&M University campus to make common cause. Armed with laptops, tablets and even pen and paper, several dozen astronomers spoke of dark matter... Read More >

Unlikely ally endorses the administration's methane reduction plan

WASHINGTON — In its push to slash methane emissions, the Obama administration has an unlikely ally — the philanthropic organization that is a legacy of Texas oil man George Mitchell.Breaking with oil and gas industry leaders who say the proposed methane rules would hike costs and... Read More >

EPA's methane crackdown wins endorsement from oil icon's Texas foundation

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration just won an unlikely ally in its push to slash methane emissions from oil wells and gas processing facilities.The philanthropic organization that is a legacy of George Mitchell, the “father of fracking,” endorsed the proposal as a... Read More >

Slower implementation of EPA power plan would bring big water savings -- study

Allowing Texas to implement U.S. EPA's plan to lower carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants more slowly would bring a steep cut in the amount of water consumed in the state, according to a new study from nonprofit research group CNA Corp. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or... Read More >

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